Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day

It was Todd's first Fathers Day. If you can believe it, the rug rats let us sleep in. We had time to open a few presents before church..... I think he was a bit surprised. Grandma Wright and I helped Lanie and Alex make a few fun things for dad. Two new neck ties and a shirt too with their hand prints on them. He thought they were pretty neat! Thanks Grandma for all the help!

Todd I think you are an amazing Dad. Lanie and Alex love you and are always so excited to see you. They miss you more than you know while you are at work each day. I always love to watch you play with them and make them giggle. It is always fun to see one of them with their pants on their head. And even more fun to find the evidence on the camera.

I am so luck to have you for my husband. And I am so glad to have you for the father of my children. I love you and Lanie and Alex love you too.
Happy Fathers Day!

Dad, I want you to know I love you. You are an amazing father. You have always been there when I needed you, and even when I thought I didn't. You have loved unconditionally and set an example I will never forget. I am grateful for your desire to raise us in the church and for your willingness to hold and honor the priesthood. You have set such a great example for me and my family and I want you to know, you don't go unnoticed. I am so luck to have a dad like you!
Happy Fathers Day Dad! I love you!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Once in a while I look into my babies eyes when they look up at me and I can see that they have all these secrets. I just wish I knew what they were. It breaks my heart to know that when they will be able to tell me these secrets, they will no longer be able to remember what they are. I guess for now I will have to just enjoy gazing into their beautiful little eyes and smile back.....because after all, I have a few secrets of my own.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Every Now and Then.....

Every now and then I look at my little family and wonder how I got so lucky!
For instance I look at Todd sometimes and can't believe he actually is my husband. I will never understand why he puts up with me and the stunts I pull. But for some reason he does. Lucky me for such a great man.
Then sometimes I look at my little monsters and wonder are they really mine? How did this all happen? I mean I know how it all happened, but why did my Heavenly Father so graciously give them to me and trust completely that I would love and care for them and do my best to be a great mother to them in hopes that I will teach them to my very best ability everything they will ever need to know about life, love, friends, family, where they come from and what happens next.
All I have to say is...for those of you who know me....God has and awful lot of trust in me! And it is a good thing they have such an amazing dad!
I only hope I can do them all justice.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thursday, September 25, 2008

From 2 To 4

This is Melanie posting pics of the babies for Kathy and Todd. And here is the much awaited debut of the twins.

Here is Lanie Mae. She was born September 19, 2008 at 8:03 am. She weighed 6 lbs 9 oz and was 19 inches long. What a little doll.

Here is the Alex Todd with mommy pulling some funny faces. Love it! Alex was born at 8:05am and weighed a wopping 8 lbs 3 oz and was 19 inches long.
Here they are ready to head home from the hospital.
Here are the proud parents!
And here is the proud grandpa!

I am yet to see these little ones in person, but aren't they cute! Mom, Dad, and babies are all doing well. They were able to go home Monday the 22nd, and from what I hear sleep has not been in abundance. It sounds like they are tag teaming mommy and daddy to test the ropes. Grandma says they are super adorable and really great babies! Love you Kathy, Todd and our new little ones! Welcome to the world.